Thursday, April 28, 2011

last evening of the betweener life...

I've always thought college was good for a few things.
1. education
2. meeting cool people
3. living that inbetween life. its that life where you aren't entirely responsible to a big kid and you still get free dental coverage under your parent's insurance. basically you can be irresponsible and still have pearly white. :D
 its one of those nights i never gave much thought to, nor did i ever really think would approach it as fast as it did.  The last night of my undergrad experience.  This could be scary, but it is truly not. I have been very fortunate in all those scary things a person has to face after college is done. Job-taken care of. Place to live-check. More or less its something I have been ready for for a very long time. I haven't really been in school per say all of this year. I sat in class, but my heart has def been else where. I think its experience that takes truly guides where a person is at a given time. Its been a fun ride, but boy is this girl ready to spread her wings.

Life is pretty much a mystery everyday you wake up. I had no idea what i was going to fix for breakfast this morning, and i had no idea I would feel this accomplished after 4 years of college. see, mystery. so i guess wherever life wants to take me in the next step all i can do is trust that its exactly where I am suppose to be. with that i am content.

These gentlemen are brilliant and are singing my mind this evening....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

spring :)

Yesterday marked 30 more days until I will be done with my undergrad forever. That means one word: bliss. It also means another word: holycrapthatssoonandlifeisgoingtohavesomemajorchangeshappeningyikes. try saying that one 10 times fast ;) this is a time that i have been ready for for more than year now. I have the mentality that i graduated in May of 2010 with all my old roomies because thats just how the flow felt. I can't wait to feel that freedom of breathing once again.

I have taken the time to retreat back home in green bay for a 4 day weekend. I left waukesha yesterday to spend time with best friend from high school in appleton along the way back. It took us all of about an hour to catch up on life. we spent the better part of the night strolling up and down college ave in downtown. Loved all of the indie coffee shops and fair trade stuff! A very successful longly awaited visit that i am so glad happened!

Today was a lot of running around with big mama slattery. We ended up at the W&S huge bike expo at the state fair grounds in Milwaukee.  Just walking around gave me that "bikers rush." It was just in the atmosphere, that kind of positive energy that so many other roadies share. Makes me excited for tomorrow's 77 degree day- and i WILL take full advantage. Best investment ever.

Life has recently kind of started to fall together very nicely. There are a lot of things I never would of expected happening so quickly: Thursday i finally finished all of my 180 clinical hours, i started apt hunting on the east side, got super excited about the canada canoe portaging trip i am going on in june, and  accepted a full time position on the cardiac floor i work on. Not too shabby. It is to the point where i wake up and feel exhausted though. This 12 credits and 3 jobs starts to wear, it has been very helpful in passing time. I truly think what it is that blows my mind away is that thinking even a year ago at this time, i never would've imagined myself where I stand now. My life has always chimed in at about 98% irony, but i truly trust and believe I am exactly where I am intended to be. Life truly does work in mysterious ways ;)

So, I am about to call it a night of laid back success because the evening was exactly what i needed it to be, lame. I get to be in ashwaubenon laying in the bed i slept in from the time i was 3-18 yrs old and anticipate another day of no stress or responsibility. Amen to that !!