Tuesday, July 19, 2011

its days like today i feel pretty good about working for 9 or 10hrs because the AC at my apt vs. the AC at the hospital. I did at one point have one of my old lady patients dance because I "must've stuck my hands in a bucket of ice." hehe oops :)

Today was the first day in three I didnt hit up the beach. Joey, Reg, and I went to Sheboygan for all of Saturday to hit up the water and sand dunes. We set up the tent with the rain fly and used that to shelter ourselves from the overcast sky and nap for awhile. Reggie has progressively been getting better at swimming. Apparently like a month ago he would hardly go in the water and now he dives thru the waves to get the stick 50 ft out! So much fun. I think my personal fave had to be the sand dune diving. Start at the top of the dunes and sommersault and logroll your way down. Makes anyone dizzy enough feel drunk at the bottom--aaaaaannnnnddd every square inch of your body becomes impaled with sand. we all know everyone loves sand in their crack.

We met up with Joey's aunt and uncle and some of their friends for drinks on the lakefront. We met a guy who grew up near the chicago ghetto and told us stories of how he used to steal flowers from the cemetary for his girlfriend. hmm classy :) Also, he was out with a bunch of friends riding the bus and every stop the next friend would get off and tell the bus driver( as in paying for bus fare), "Ohh Crime's got it!" Next guy: "Crime will get it." Last guy: "Yeah, I'm Crime. but crime dont pay!" Oh boy. It truly was a great weekend.

Tonight i took the dog out to Lakeshore State Park. It was just the perfect ending to long day. It beat the heat and there was some sort of punk band playing at the Marcus Amphitheater. The atmosphere was just perfect. The pink sky painted out over a big city by the lake at dusk. Dang, God's good at creating stuff. It felt strange to me to think that I was in school 3 months ago with the biggest test I ever have taken still hanging over my head. Life changes in crazy rapid ways.

I also spent a better part of the evening on the phone. I talked with a good friend that I haven't spoken with in quite awhile. Its always awesome catching up with good friends. It also was a 45 min convo with the big mama and fasha. My mom will always be my best friend, but I will forever be a daddy's girl.  My dad's been playing with some photography ideas and this was one of his most recent:

This just warmed my heart and made me smile huge. My family is such a great support. I don't know where I would be without them.  The Psalms passage talks about hope....the PHenomenal hope to kick pulmonary hypertension where the sun don't shine. So for this evening, i am going to snuggle up next to a spoiled pooch and smile knowing that I am blessed.

"Breathe in knowing you're exactly where you're suppose to be and that its all happening for the best."

ahh :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

to fathom---

so i lay in bed tonight finding myself fathoming many different things. My first and foremost is how is can honestly be so comfortable with just a fan in the window.... all of last week it was always a lot hotter in our 2nd story apt vs. the actual outside temp. i love wisconsin weather and our architexture for houses. Europe has this whole thing down.  They dont have A.C. but they do build their houses out of cinderblocks to keep it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. i always say that america should just be europe... random idea-ling.

I also am fathoming how exhausting it is being on job orientation. I truly do really enjoy being a big girl nurse, but i come home and i am just. beat. I try not to get in the habit, but i come home sleep for 2 hrs, up for 2 hrs, and back to bed for the night. yikes. I guess it makes sense when you are constantly learning something every minute of the day. I hear this gets easier after about month three. I was discussing this with Joey and he mentioned that "don't worry you won't always be lame, theres hope for you becoming fun once again." oh man. love the support.

I also have been fathoming how sweet life really is right now. I had my follow up echo last friday. I brought my pride and joy, Holly Fish. We spent from around 8am-ish-1:30pm at St. Luke's (on my day off, i may add-just cant pull myself away i guess). By the end of my appt, doc said that my echo is the "best that she's ever seen it." She told me it took awhile to read it because my heart kept beating really fast, b/c i was so nervous. ha. talk about tears of joy. I feel like a totally free woman. There is no such better news in my book. Holly told me she would've waited all day to hear news like that. I am super byist, but i honestly don't think there is a better medical team out there. We hit up summerfest that night and it just reminded me of last summer at this very time because that is when i received the same type of news. summer's the time of healing. On a side note, irish rock concerts are a BLAST!

My last fathom is how time possibly flies as fast as it does. I walked to the local Whole Foods on Prospect Ave today and spent well over an hour in this store. It just blows my mind how interesting all the stuff is. I made the trek there to buy "wheat bulghur" b/c i wanted to make tabouli for lunch the rest of this week. It is such a blast to try concocting strange ethnic new dishes. Last week was buckwheat groats with italian sausage tofurkey. call me weird- and i'll correct you by saying adventuresome.

I need to head to sleep now, its going to be an early morning, but that also means i get to steal my brother and soon to be sister in law's dog for the week b/c they are going on vaca. Yay :) So until i have the chance to write again, i will leave you with this hilarious website that will keep you occupied and cause procrastination for a long long time. '


Peace out o wide world of internet stalkers :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

summer adoration

so i often times found myself wondering tonight, "hmm, what am i going to do with myself tomorrow morning??" now, this is a simple question- and thats just the thing. its simple. I have never been less stressed in my life. This is a slightly foreign feeling to me because i always have some sort of driven stress to make me accomplish things, but now its the healthy "eustress" that makes me smile and relax :)

In reflection of the last week, i would have to agree that my life rocks.  I attended a wedding last weekend of two good friends. The company was phenomenal, the atmosphere was fabulous, and most importantly- the dancing was great. Ask any true wisconsinite: its impossible to dislike sippin on free spotted cow and singing bohemian rhapsody. Life's irony decided to strike it big and made Joey the catcher of the garder and myself the girl who caught the bouquet. I then had about 5 people come up to me and said they "called it." Of course.

This week has been one of my feelings. Today completed day 4 of being the nurse. I can honestly say that I adore it at this point- even though this may be the honeymoon stage. My lil old man told me today (after a major heart procedure) told me that the only activity he will be doing is "cuddling with his wife" after i told him he had to take it easy. Fifty-five years of marriage, how stinkin cute. I kinda wanted to pack this guy up and bring him home. Everything about my job is so exhilerating and refreshing.

I finally had a longly anticipated roomie date with Steph last night. I was in Canada canoeing for a week, and she was in Mexico beachin it for the next. i much prefer to live with someone than not- its so much better to have good company to just bounce comments off of. Note: then the neighbors don't think your insane for supposedly talking to yourself. We didn't even really do a whole lot, but its just the idea of companionship. Simple life fulfillment.

All I can really do is sit back in smile. I adore where life continues to take me.