Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ready for 2013...

Soo, i know its a day or two early, but I honestly will not get around to it if its not done now... So this is my last blogging post of 2012!

Its been and interesting year to say the least- much experience with "getting my feet wet" in the real world. I can say that I am much better at dealing with budgeting, dealing with insurance, paying bills, working full time, and attempting to still live a rather exciting life on top of being a "lame adult." There are a few less boring things I accomplished this past year, including, but not limited to:

-Celebrate NY's eve in another country
-Become addicted to pinterest
-Road trip the great river road with Joey
-Travel with my big mama
-Take "me days" and not feel guilty about it
-Save the house from being burnt down... please refer to most recent blog
- Develop my skills for thrifting
-Take my cooking skills to a whole other level
-Become completely and utterly obsessed with my dog
-Start jogging
-Live and thrive closer to the lake
-Become an even bigger coffee snob
-Catch every episode of "the new girl"
-Be confident in my RN skills
-Do 2 preceptorships with my cardiologist to raise awareness for Pulmonary Hypertension
-Dance my heart out in the night life of Boston with two of my best friends :)
-Begin to realize that its to lower some of your expectations
-Get a little bit more sleep

I think thats a pretty summary of what i've been able to do to attack for 2012. I am proud of myself for many things, but know that as a person there is always so much more room to improve all around. I haven't quite developed my list for 2013, but its more of a continuation of this past years accomplishments, just taking them to the next level.

Its always interesting to see where life's irony will lead my next. I'm ready-- lets go 2013!